winston’s facts in Psychosis!

talk now

did you know? November 15th, 2023. 3:45 AM. 32.7481° N, 97.3606° W.

did you know that i ate a sock

did you know that i am being held captive ḣ̷̢̢͈̭̬̗͎̫̮͙̲̟̺͋́́͛͋͑̄̋̿̚ẽ̴̡̫̥͙͙͙̍̂͆̒̒̿͆̓̔̽̑ļ̸͚͒̐p̷̰̤̦̝̼̦͕̤̪̣̣͙͊̈́̀̓̉͂͛̆͝

did you know that cats are colorblind

did you know that you're just a stupid child