General in Dinglebat Box 📦

Show the folks what you're brewing!

Updated pinned post

Who should I do for fanart???????????? 🤨🤔

Heya again guys

I am in vacations so i'll be busy with my parents and In Fact!!! Im playing sonic frontiers in switch and i was so exciting

So i hope u guys miss me bc i miss u guys🥹

I'll se if i can draw smth soon 🫶

Here's my oldest post cause yes 🫴

@Unaimix84 🗿👋

Fun thought.

Im in vacations yaaaayy :DDDD

This has got to be one of my top dawgs fr

Just wanna apologize for not being very tuned into my followerbase, just have a lot on my mind and making art is my only comfort atm

----------PINNED POST------------

Its about the news of my account and my OCs

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