progress in DISCORDTALE

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Hello! We don't have anything to report but we got some new art!!! Something will probably happen soon, we have been focused on other stuff. Sorry Discordians...

Hello Discordians. We haven't got much, but we did upload 2 new tracks! Check those out…

Hello again Discordtale fans! Not much to report here... Progress is still happening though, don't worry! While you wait, how about you check out our Youtube page. We just made our first upload!

Discordtale OST 001 - Menu (Pacifist/neutral)
Menu.Discordtale is a great AU created by the Discordtale team (which is also great). It's a serious game and NOT to be taken as a joke. explore the undergro...
  15 votes Voting finished

Hello! It has been a while since the demo came out, hasn't it? Thankfully, we have something to show for it!

Guys... I don't know why we have to say this but... DON'T go on Soundcloud comment sections to advertise our game! We understand if you like it, but spamming it to other people isn't a good way to go about it... Outside of that, game is doing okay!