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ok so first, why is the blob called tangle?
second, funtime freddy appears at the top of the page lmao
Happy new year!
And, in the meantime, thanks for 700 followers!
I'll post some updates soon, as 4th of January marks the second anniversary of the start of DLi's development!
That's all, see you in 2024!

Merry Christmas everyone!The image below was actually made a year ago but I missed 24th so I just decided to post it this year.At least this time I didn't forget about it lol

me and my recolors chillin

Got computer privileges again.
Also say hello to my cat mimi that has the doodles I made some hours ago :D

I was planning on posting this before but I forgot loll

Made like,, a ton of art in some hours but take MY FAVORITE SO FAR FROM A MEME BTW

Goofy thing I finished
(It was left unfinished yesterday so yeah)
Thank you for 600 followers!
I'm sorry I couldn't really do anything special for this occasion but I've been rather busy lately, not to mention the new installment I am working on.
Anyway, thank you for your support, even when I'm not the most active!