General in Donny Donut

say something cool buddy

2021 has been completed.

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How to install the game (Tutorial)

The patch 1.0.1 has been submited and should be available in a short time ! Feel free to report any other glitch, gamesoft lock or crash at this email : [email protected]

For Christmas, discover an adventure parralel to Donny Donut 2 : Burger Kid's Journey ! Play as a bad guy and learn about his background, and don't forget : do NOT kill the ennemies ! Or else, you'll regret ...

Download it now !

Almost Donny Donut's birthday ! See you tomorrow for more information.

Let's introduce some enemies from DONNY DONUT RPG in those series of article called "Our Friends the Bad-Guys" !

Episode 1 : The Fries

The English translation of Donny Donut 2 is now available !

Get it now !

Donny Donut 2 : Circle of Seasons is now available !! (Only in french but soon in other languages like english,...)

somthing's gonna arrive soon i can feel it.

Artwork of Donny (from Donny Donut.). I'm not very good at drawing ... but I'm proud of this !