spoopy_storytime in Nero was here too

Ayyy, wassup?

Like I said in my post from earlier, my dad gave me his old comic books. I’ve been putting them in plastic comic book bags and placing them in a large black storage box.
I was told it’s a good idea to sell them for college money, but... I like books.

Hi. I’m back from the dead. This week’s been busy af, and I’ll probably be busy for the next couple of weeks. Why-

So someone asked my dad about a tattoo of Toothless and Light Fury. Dad didn’t feel like drawing it up, so he asked me to do it. Fun stuff.

When I asked my mom to buy yogurt, I didn’t mean stockpile it-

He licked the phone.... The flavor didn’t please him as much as he thought it would.

He’s been sitting like this for an hour now. My legs are starting to get tired-


M y S i s t e r S a w T h i s S h i t p o s t D r a w i n g A n d S h e S a i d S h e S h i p p e d I t


I’m role playing with my sister and apparently Gae Skele fell in love with me cuz I bit him- Help me.

I can’t go anywhere on the internet without seeing an Among Us reference-