other in your everyday vent space

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the Power went out and i got crazy and i got a demon friend now

Somehow this got me crying, I think it's because it reminded me of my dog :(

Hey, so I am going to bed, but this is bothering me.

TW: mentions of sh and implied suicide

well 2 days ago im in dad's mom car and i see in the trees

[read article]

for my friend @EclipseGachaYT [i did show her and she like it]

i worry for my friend @BINKEPPI now she not made a new post for 19 days if you are friends wif her let me know [pls she makeing me worry]

Just realized that spicy chips make my intestines hurt so I'm gonna have to chill out on the spicy chips for now 🥲

(Spicy chips = My addiction and pain 😅)

ya I have to

(feel free to repost but just Credit me)

vent: i keep having horrible dreams that people around me aredying and its taking a big impact on my mental health