G E N E R A L in Untitled funniguy community :P

What should i post today? -fd

Alright I figured out a plan

I'm leaving for 2 months

BUT I'll have 8-10 scheduled post of drawings i never posted/finished to pass the time through the weeks

If you need to contact me, my discord is fd_funniguy7536

Later skaters :P

Hey guys

I broke my wrist

No post until further notice, or until I figure out a plan

dead serious

Alright, i'm finna sleep now

And if you want, comment under this post some ideas for a new comic, and i'll pick the best one

Nighty night :)

That's not good

I'm thinking about making a sort of "In universe website" for fd

What should it be about??
(Picture unrelated)

Blue raspberry sour hubba bubba tape is the best gum

Alright, that was all for today :D

Tomorrow i'm gonna finish the ones i didnt today, and some new ones

So if you want me to draw something, comment under either THIS post, or the other one :P

Gn! :D


yo uhh-

im not dead :)

ive just been doin some stuff

ill post soon though

Hey guys! Thanks for making this year yet another good one!

I'm lookin forward to the new year for all of you and myself!

Anyways, this is the last post of the year.

Happy new years!