Its FF time.
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Welcome to the Final Fantasy community on Game Jolt! Here you may talk about any Final Fantasy game and yes that includes spinoffs and 11 and 14. General is essentially the place where you have something that is final fantasy related but we don't have a channel for you to really put that in or there is a channel that is somewhat related but you aren't sure it should go there don't worry I will probably move the post to the channel anyways. FFMMORPG is where you get to talk about FFXIV and FFXI the two Final Fantasy massive multiplayer online RPG games. FFRPG is where you can go to talk about all the single player games: I-X, XII,XIII,XV, XVI. The spinoff channel is where you may find content related to the final fantasy spinoffs such as Theatrythm or FFX-2 since I consider direct sequels to FF games to be spinoffs and non-mainline entries. Creativity is where you may put art, group pose screenshots, and even talk about fangames. Memes is where you can put in memes for ANY FF game out there. FFRPG Help is where you may ask for help for any singleplayer FF or give tips for any singleplayer FF. FFMMORPG help is pretty much the same thing but for FFXI and FFXIV. Spinoff help is the same thing again but for spinoffs. About time I said this but make sure to follow Game Jolt's site guidelines.

@Seph_Evun owner
Report A community for 9 months