All Posts in FNAS 5: Golden Reminiscence

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100 FOLLOWERS?! THAT'S AMAZING! Thank you all for the support and the motivation you give me! I really appreciate it! For now have these as a celebration!

Done what do you think @PIRACY_SCREEN500?

the game might be on pause because i am trying to bring my motivation back to working on it but it's hard. Might try to make some concepts for it. I am sorry again for the news-

Origin Sonic from FNaS 5 GR

go support this cool remake for sonic's pizza simulator made by @SwitchBump__ (sorry for the tag-)! It deserves a lot of attention!

that's not your friend

thank you so much for the support again!

sorry for barely giving you news about the game! Have a concept for the new design for nightmare golden sonic!