general in One Night at Flumpty's

Share your creations!

By the way, don't self-promote in this community. You can do updates for a project you are working on that has to do with ONAF in the "fan projects" channel.


Bluite's Therapy

I made this a year ago but remastered it since it looked BAD..................

Oh yeah watch this on my yt, too

Bluite's Therapy
I sacrificed a school nights sleep to make and upload this in the same dayFOLLOW ONE NIGHT AT CLARKS PLEASE yeah and...

Jonochrome updated his description again, seems like he's doing well...

Важное Новости если я как Раз Выпустил Полную версии игры Как Достать Даниила Тиви Мэна теперь я буду делать Фильм 1 Ночь с Флампти и кстати если я долго делаю мне надо чтоб Длился 1 Час 20-30 минут если выйдет то могу сделать коробки для Попкорна

Sorry I havent been posting recently. My pet died and it hurts the most, I will let you know if I am ever going to be online to make the game.