general in Cartoon characters

are in a cartoons in the world

Mario and Luigi are amazing heroes a plumber .

Homer Simpson falling off cliff.

Your dreams and so dreams come true magic come to life I always love cartoons so much magic was real my dreams do come true not give up.

Miss any friends and people love me like cartoons all of us.

Real Walt Disney create any make a scene statue of my eyes shiny sparkling in my eyes Oswald's older brother and his brother.


Simpson Homer fall down

James the Fox 🦊 loving I mean cancers in the world looking people so much love people like be nice like friendly

Names James the fox guys color in the blue fur and his pants and orange pants and this ties red and the shoes are black is color and make myself in the future dreams come true

Oswald the Lucky Rabbit has job from the train station by Thomas the tank engine and Island sodor Mickey waving his older brother has his job.

cartoons I can draw drawing cartoons amazing I apologize I'm sorry all don't worry be making drawing arts soon the cartoon.