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I'm apologizing to the whole FNaFb community.

Road to Release 1.0Ver. - Progress 3

oops! one more thing!

Big new update!

Another Question: What is the Fuckboy Project anyway? i've seen some sprites with Bobby wearing 3d Glasses and Frooby wearing and actual fedora, and the skins say Fuckboy Project in FNAFB Ultimate Re-Build but i don't know what the game looks like

I know already posted this, but i'm gonna post it again, because why would Oddcast do this sometimes, i mean it works but only for a few times, and that's just bullshit.


anyone know why golden is allowed to be here?

Me being a dumb shit decided that the most reasonable next challenge run after Night X no Foxy

Was Proud Mode 100% with 3 active party slots


like 6 months ago, i was banned from the discord cause i was hacked, but i got my account back near instantly and never bothered to ask

is there a way to unban me

this is my discord username

didnt know which would be needed so i showed both usernames