Fangames in Five Nights at F***boy's: The Community

Share your epic s**t!

Make sure to check out the FNaFb Fangame doc!…

Its constantly updated and can be very useful when looking for fangames to play.

(more info below)

so there was a bug that didn't allow for trinkets to be available to freddy in the previous version and i have fixed it, i also added a new item reward for the boss and a character you interact with (patch is below the main package to download)

F***Boy's Wild West - REDUX UPDATE

BIGGER, BADDER, and, Wilder ?

after some time I decided to update the game with not only bug fixes and balance changes but also additional new content

The Following Update Contains:

for those eve enthusiasts that need something to do

FnafbTale 1.3 is released

- Act Options Have been Slightly Buffed

- The Fight Button Has Been Buffed

- Haste Candy Has Been Buffed

- Fixed Stun As It Scopes Correctly this time