news in Five Nights at Freddy's STARS

Share your creations!

| Jam Fredbear

Why? I don't even know, but he's enjoying it i think!

| Toaster Mangle

A popular theory is that this is the evolution of toast mangle, but scientists are not really sure.

Fun Fact: This skin was made for Wave 2, but removed at the last second.

| Exotic Butters

During castings, one character wasn't able to arrive in time, and something had to take its place.

| Peanut Butter Springtrap

When asked about it, he said: i like peanut butter

| Strawberry Springtrap

Nobody knows why or how, but one day he just showed up with a strawberry in his head, he seems to like it.

V1.3.1 out now.

Info in the article:

V1.2 + WAVE 2 - OUT NOW

Open the article for change log.

The First Content Update for 'FNAF STARS' Releases Tomorrow, February 18th (less than 24 hours from now).

This update includes Wave 2 with 10 new skins!
+ bug fixes and improved tutorial.

whos this

Sorry about no update yesterday but i didn't want to release a update that just adds 2 skins, it will be delayed a few days to include more content.

Also, 2???, yes, it's going to take a few more days so im going to include the other option!