Announcements in Music Box Productions COMMUNITY

Share your creations!

1 day left! Tomorrow is your last chance

I want to thank everyone for being patient for the FNF vs MTMB mod to come out so if the game jolt page gets 100 followers by the end of the week we will release a one song demo. (no cutsenes no dioluge)

FNF Vs MTMB: Vs MTMB team:BG Artist:

I've noticed that nobody really talks in the community. Why is this? Idk. I want everyone to know that as long as the rules are followed, you are allowed to chat in the community

We will have an interview with @TeamAri at 1k follows. (Proof on my twitter)

If we get 1k follows then we might do an interview with @TeamAri

I just looked notifications and @IULITM followed the mod. THANK YOU SO MUCH! The mod may not be out yet but still there is so much support thank you all

Our music and vocals maker isn't responding so we need another + new Mario vocals

I'm about to cry because of this anouncement. There will be a huge delay due to me not having a computer to work on. if anyone can chart then please fill my position till i get a computer