All Posts in Funky Friday

New Map! This map honestly looks great, very unique. I don't think many people were expecting a new map. Maybe an expansion, but no. A whole new map! Check it out here!

You Heard What CaptainJackAttack Said. *Breaths and Breaths Out and Warring Bass Boosted* GET THIS VIDEO 5K LIKES SO CAPTAIN JACK WILL REVEAL THE NEW MAP LEAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Guys Who’s Excited and Ready for A 1st Year anniversary of Funky Friday This Today at Night? And This Huge Update is Going To Be Insanely Crazy and A Huge Blast. Suicide Mouse.EXE: But With COCA *Warring Bass Boosted* COLA 4v4s (im not gonna play rn tho)
Well well well
Grinding points for an animation in Funky Friday huh?

Hellclown got me like

creepy man vs Greg but red