About Games in Ilyas games

@Ilya300000 is the best

Вышла новая версия 1.1

(Изменения в артикле)

Что же, я всё-таки решил выложить релиз Металл Лунтика( и да я знаю что ГЖ заблокали в России). Изменения в артикле.

https://www.roblox.com/games/13527347621/op-gear-test#!/about developing a roblox game, would be nice if you played a bit and even donated to me! (you really dont have to though..)

Remember, if this game is like Five Nights with Froggy, then the game is different from Froggy p.s We're a little unkind to Gleb Kapustin, so we're not forcing you to hate on him or anything like that.... it's our fault