Gimme some Undertale posts -_-
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Welcome to the Undertale Community!

But somethings wrong....becuase Undertale is gonna remaked!!!

Well,you see that?

Undertale is gonna be remaked by somebody in 2022 or more.

Well umm, join if u want!


1.Speak polity,no harming others.

2.No bully.

3.Well,no 18+


5.No posts anything different besides Undertale and Deltarune(Deltarune is gonna be remaked soon :))

6.No drama

7.No copying other posts and M A K E Y O U R O W N P O S T .

If u d'ont follows deez rules.

Y O U R G O N N A H A V E A B A D T I M E .

@ZenTheStickman999 owner
Report A community for almost 4 years