All Posts in coltons like. place. where he has gamejolt. and he's like. colton. yknow man? yeah

ok ok. this is gonna be open development for the first five nights, since i'm more specifically making this a game to learn godot, however
whabam. my first game that i'll be coding is a sorta take, sorta reskin of fnaw: origins
this is subject to change
i THINK i know what i want my first godot game to be. i'll reveal it when i draw sum shit for it
fun fact for the road: this game has been indev for a year and a half now. half of that was a hiatus, the first quarter was the game's birth, and the fourth quarter was the game being actually good

fun fact: the game used to be shit! you could see every camera on one screen immediately which wouldve made the game piss easy
not to mention how i had to make the cams small. was super hard to work with
will never not be glad i changed this

jus gonna draw em doin shit till sumthin teaseworthy is done

to celebrate qstah's visual elements being done take this.. my attempt at getting humphrey in the paper mario 64 style... i did not get it down but i rlly like how this turned out anyhow