main game stuffs in coltons like. place. where he has gamejolt. and he's like. colton. yknow man? yeah

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bradford restyled (won't affect how he looks in the game... unless the progress of the stuff i'm not doing continues to be paused, that is.)

game is rebranding. now it will be called quite some scary time at humphrey's.

my ass been ghosting my fnaw take im sorry y'all lol
i'm gonna try to get to learning godot, so when i get a good handle on how to use it the shebang will really start shebangin'. till then, take a look at this wario concept

important qstah lore dont gorget it

ok ok. this is gonna be open development for the first five nights, since i'm more specifically making this a game to learn godot, however
whabam. my first game that i'll be coding is a sorta take, sorta reskin of fnaw: origins
this is subject to change