weekly green sans facts in the green sans crib

weekly green sans fact #8
papyrus and green sans are NOT BROTHERS!!!!!!

weekly green sans fact #7
g-money bought only one company car so him and his followers are forced to carpool everywhere they go
g-money is not very smart

weekly green sans fast #6
green sans CAN actually use his attacks to heal you, although even if he wanted to he’s not the best at it
take a low quality phase 2 spoiler while you’re here
if the page gets 2000 followers we’ll show the new phase 2 intro
weekly green sans trivia #5
breaking bad is canonically green sans’s favorite show and is the sole reason as to why he has a meth lab inside his house
weekly green sans trivia #3
green sans canonically solos all of alphatale by putting them on his grill
tell this to your local 5 year old and watch them cry
and if you don’t know what alphatale is