All Posts in P u n

Share some SANS-ational puns!

So a guy wakes up in a hospital and says "Doc I can't feel my legs"

The doctor says "I know. I amputated your legs off "

Join this community or I will steal your toes. >:)

I visited my friend at his new house He told me to make myself at home So I threw him out I hate having visitors

im a good person right?

i like dark humor

Alright kids, adults and teens...
Who ever comments the best joke here gets to be moderator.
only two will win.
(this is for the people that arent mods.)

What'd the grape say when it was crushed?


i like my berries to be black like my soul


You see, if any Papyrus comes here, we gotta welcome them too with a thing they love.

What do skeletons say before they begin dining?

i want my drink cold like my heart