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The “incident” incident.

Date: June 6 2006

i- I have no way way to describe this

just THE VOID and a face.

Worker number one is a former patient after the “stew incident “, what happened in that is he killed 2.4 billion people from tricking them into having his venomous soup, when only a couple of people can handle it

June 17th, 2020

the trolling incident.

There uhh was an incident trying to get patient 4444 in its cage, some people are getting hypnotized and it has poison. We hired new guards to help but they are chanting something and I don’t get paid enough to deal with this. I will ask #0 to troll #4444

i uhh found a new specimen, its alien, found it on a meteor on planet 4444, requesting permission for testing in the lab, requires further study, its obviously made of protein similar to patient #0 according to the ai buddy with me

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