level 2 in the backrooms rp.

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Well, I forgot how many days I've been here. I think it's day 8 or somethin, IDK

I just woke up from an awful coma, it was only for a few days but it felt like a year. Any who I woke up to level 2. Uh oh...

I'm nearing closer to level 3, but the entity wont leave me alone. I'm really starting to think about no-clipping? To do it or not to do it?

I fell asleep in the last level....its been about three days since I first entered the backrooms..Or was it a year ago today? Either way, I made it to level 2! I probably wont last long though because some thing is following me?.....oh god...wish me luck

*insert using my chainsaw to rip the arm out of the pipe*

your good to go