general in Four Nights At Fredrick's [REVIVED]


Welp here a gameplay concept for agent m pizzeria nights 1: the wonderful cyan (this maybe unused)

No this is not a real gameplay this is a unused concept video I just made so this is gonna be scrapped and unused


Ok here a clip of agent fazmouse voice line I just made for the game

He voiced by me

Next video I about to made: a gameplay concept video for the game not the real one it a concept video

Also loud warning and his broken voice box


I’m just gonna voice yellow topaz mice so here a 14 second clip of his voice I like how it turns out

Here a attempt of it

Yes he kinda cussed lot cause of anger problems


Welp I decided to make a power outrage test attempt 1 for the game decided to make agent fazmouse like kinda dance now time for me to make a second attempt

This is just goofy let hope version 2 is better

I finished with Alex updated design for the game :D

His mechanic part 2: he gonna run to your office close the left door or right door if you hear his running footsteps

He basically like foxy

And I decided to give him hair cause idk