general in the spawn community
Do you guys think spawn dante and the doomslayer all in their prime and working together could survive in gensokyo
Unironicly spawn is the most op character i know that dosent outright have smth like "can instantly destr0y the multiverse!!!11" i dont know any fictional character i can see outright beating him. The closest are draws
I would also like to announce that me and @IdchyJD are going to be working together on a collaborative art project
Also idchy says quote "Yes"
We shall be posting the results of all the projects on both our accounts
And like that im done. Al Simmons aka spawn!
Ok i addes some texture to spawns suit
Ok i think im done with this. For now
Currently drawing AL. Will gove Updates later on
Name me your favorite character (or just a character you like) and i'll say if my current favorite character (spawn) destroys them in a fight or not