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The 11th progress update of Baldi's Fun New School Ultimate has been published! You can check it out here and see what progress has been made since last month's update: https://johnsterspacegames.itch.io/baldis-fun-new-school-plus-ul….

Hello everyone! I'm glad to announce that I've just finished setting up a page on speedrun.com for players who want to submit runs of Baldi's Fun New School Remastered! #bfnsremastered

The 9th progress update of Baldi's Fun New School Ultimate has been published! It includes a recap of what happened with the project in 2023, along with some plans for 2024: https://johnsterspacegames.itch.io/baldis-fun-new-school-plus-ul….

The 8th progress update of Baldi's Fun New School Ultimate has been released! You can read it here: https://johnsterspacegames.itch.io/baldis-fun-new-school-plus-ul…. #bfnsultimate #bfnsu