Random Stuff in JSP Modding & Game Community
Welcome To The JSP Community! Enjoy Your Time Here And Be Respectful!
A preview on some new rooms + map extentions
So.. Since It's (Nearly) December. Or as I like To Call It Christmas Month, I Decided I'll be In a Christmas Mood And Put On My Newly Designed Christmas Profile Picture! I hope You Like it!
V1.2.0 is out guys. Also, here are some adjustments.
New mod released (Just report some bugs if you need to)
Greetings people, If Twitter Does Dies, Then You Can Now Find Me On Mastodon, So! Please Do Follow me There! https://mastodon.gamedev.place/@KyleGamer19YT #kylegamer19 #baldisBasics #Baldi
Version 1.0.1 is now out!
-6 more soundtracks
-4 more sound effects
-More secrets
-Hints to secrets
-More color
-Moved the sound effects to the bottom
-A few graphics