leaks in Vs. Kapi: The Arcade Master
making an insane difficulty for the mod
holy shit, new title screen (also this isn't intentional but let's just say some of the text might move a bit, wasn't supposed to happen but I like it)
credits for the creators of the original Kapi Mod are now here, tbh I'm happy with Paperkittys icon but not Mike Genos icon
alright, the main menu is finished, this time the buttons are in the colors of dance-dance revolution instead of the boring white and black buttons, anyway, hope you enjoy
new main menu leak?!?!?
here is the credits menu, I'll re-do @Zev_Real's icon later
just finished this, before the credits icon for @ObleTheMinecrafter1 was just the normal Vs. Flippy: Flipped Out Icon, but I re-did it
tbh I can't wait to hear some of the music, like I only know song names so it will be fun for me to hear a music leak
this has been going on for around 1:30:00-2 hours
So, I'm still doing Kade Engine build in fact I have Kade Engine building right now, in fact I had it running earlier, but I had to reinstall the code due to a bug, the game was pressing the + button non-stop (the + button is the volume button)