news in Kirby

Show your creations to all of Planet Popstar!

Today's the 1st Anniversary of Super Kirby Clash!

What are your favorite features in the game?
Do you have any special moments playing it?

Be sure to comment below!

Some new Aeon Hero lore!

"Today's the last day of August! The summer went so fast...

In Dream Land, everyone enjoys fireworks while watching the summer. There are many fireworks above! Wonderful fireworks!

Wait... that Kirby up there?"

Aeon Hero Concept Art from Super Kirby Clash

Which one is your favorite? Comment below!

CRAP! Im sorry I havent been doing my news stuff. But the only Kirby News is stuff like "What's really inside Kirby's stomach?" But if something news worthy does come up, I'll be on it!

33 more members until the big 1000!!

This just seems stupid…

I know Im the news Cirby but stuff like this I hate. The title of this article is this:

Terrifying Implications: Leaked Nintendo Source Code Could Give Terrorists The Ability To Weaponize Kirby

Like, wtf


So, here is some Kirby news! Nintendo and Epic Games might be doing a crossover cause the pink puff is in the newest fortnite trailer!

Here is some news: WE ARE OVER 500 MEMBERS! All I gotta say is DAMN