Pills here!

Disney Bill

Hey Louis, nice statue you got there

I am a mod

Woo- *Disappears*

Fun Fact: In L4D2 there's a hamburger store called Pyro's Hamburgers

So Pyro when they is not burning people, they sell burgers

Welcome to the Left 4 Dead community on Game Jolt! This is a community for everything related to L4D and L4D2.


1) Don't harass anyone.

2) No racism, sexism, homophobia, etc etc.

3) Try to keep posts in the appropriate channels.

4) Swearing is allowed, but try not to overdo it.

5) If you post NSFW, make sure it is properly marked as such. (That includes gore)

6) Be excellent to each other.

@Soldimitri owner
Report A community for over 3 years