This is the game so far: An infinite runner about a beer collecting hops.
There is still time to affect to the game.
We are coming up to the end of October. So I about to start working on the game itself, with what we have. So please get your ideas and artwork in by Friday. Can't do it without you.
I hope you're having a great Saturday! If you can't figure out what to make, here is a list of ideas:
- Background art
- Music
- Name the game
- Items and characters
- Logo or title screen art
- Sound FX
- Story

Here's a hop. Maybe they could be floating like coins?
Theme for October 2019:
BEER in the genre of 2D Platformer
What is Makers Nation?
Makers Nation is a group of random people lending their skills to making games together.
How Does this Work?
Each month I'll post a theme. Using that theme you can create one or more sprites, asset, song, illustration, whatever to be used in the game. It just has to be original and made for the theme.
*The asset you make is yours and is considered a donation toward the community game. But if you would like to give it away, make sure to tag it appropriately. Ex: [cc] or [free-to-use)
Where Do You Post?
There are channels you can post your work in.
Be Nice!
We are all equal here.
Encourage those who are beginning.
Listen to those who are veteran.
Certain channels require more agreement than others like ideaguy, writing, and music. I'm still figuring out how to make it easy for people to work together. For the moment I'm counting on you all to work together.
I'm Brandon, the creator of CRUSH, Tomb Of Varanu, Pixels Hallows Eve, Hershey, and a bunch of other games. @saltandpixel
I created this experimental group to bring "makers" together by allowing anyone at any skill level in music, art, writing, illustration, etc to make games (simple or complex) together that I or another developer would bring to life.