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Mario 84. Yes it is my game I was referring to

Also, from the next demo, the game will be using new emulator, KiGB, due to some graphical issues, appearing only in the emulator we were using before. But on the other side, KiGB looks like some old emulator, which gives me some digital horror vibes

Here's a footage from Mario.gbc
I decided to show you levels you haven't seen in demo.

Wait, is that from VibingLeaf's video?
What's this? New demo trailer?

Mario.gbc trailer
New trailer for Mario.gbcVideo made by me, effects and editing by @alexerthelogerfan3581 Some footages from SMB Deluxe commercialMario.gbc (demo 2 soon): htt...

It's Christmas, so we're making a gift for ya guys! Here's a footage of the new update for Mario.gbc
Stay tuned for the next updates and Merry Christmas!