General Marvin in The Marvin Faction

-Kwysocki243 Document Update-
Hey @ShashiTheBoy2005 , hypocrite. Even you're pretending you're the victim, you're apart of it as well, not to mention you also harassed and yelled at @CoralinyTines
, yeah, recognise her?…
Also can anyone sends the ArtyMik908 document into Twitter / X already please if you want to get this to the public around the world. I'm tired of my days getting annoyed that I couldn't escape from this pedophile we're exposing.…

Arty, it's my birthday, shut the HELL up unless you wanna start problems or I'm adding this into the doc, you pedo.

-ChrisDaLemon's Exposed Document-
It may be sort of short but this is where I got all evidences (expect for reverse pedo but will find it another time) but send your experiences here gang…