All Posts in Fatalgard

MasterCaptian waz here!

I absolutely hate every game that follows the trend "horror games for children". The only horror games I like are the REAL horror games! Horror games that are actually scary like they are suppose to be & aren't trying to target the younger audience.

It's been quite a while since I did a fireside (The reason I haven't done one in a while is because I've been trying to connect my Nintendo Switch to OBS Studio & I want to get my voice a little more deeper).

I made @C2Games fanart (He's a very good friend of mine so I suggest giving him a follow)!

Back in 2022, I was making a comic about Shadow Mastercaptain (The reason why I made a comic based off him is because he barely had any character development & felt like a forced character).

(Also, my drawing skills was pretty bad back then so this sucks)

I finally uploaded my Kellin Quinn fanart onto deviantart!…

I couldn't upload it because deviantart wouldn't let me (it was a bug).

Goodnight, MasterFellows!

Man, I used to like FNAF until Steel Wool ruined it with Security Breach (Drama is also a thing but that's the community, not the franchise).


Deviantart won't let me upload art nor post anything for some reason.

I drawed Kellin Quinn (The lead singer of Sleeping With Sirens)!