Fatalgard’s room in Fatalgard

MasterCaptian waz here!


I finally filled my bio & interests (I was such a dumbass that I couldn't figure out how to do that for a few hours).

I hope I could be a music artist & make amazing songs that everyone loves one day, it's a very big passion of mine!

Please get @MIKEY_GAMES_STUDIOS to 300 followers (or he'll keep me locked in his basement /j)!

I sounded like a girl back then but now my voice is a little too deep for my age (and I like having a deep voice).

That was so hilarious, LOL!

(If your wondering what that link goes to, it's a rickroll with no ads)


I finally made my music playlist public (I decided to make a new one since the old one had way too many songs I grew out of).

I finally updated my profile description to clean it up a little & also add some other stuff!

I made Boyfriend from Friday Night Funkin!

Suggested by @Justin_Donnelly (If you also wanna suggest stuff, let me know in the comments & I might draw it!)

I want to go back to drawing stuff & posting it since it's actually fun. Comment what should I draw & I might draw it (if it's possible for me).

Mastercaptain.exe is about to say something smart.....