Fatalgard’s room in Fatalgard

MasterCaptian waz here!

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone has had a good Christmas this year! I was thinking about dropping a massive teaser today but I could not due to being busy with my family and also already got over a sickness.

Happy Holidays, MasterFellows! 2023 has been a very dry year for GameJolt in my opinion. I hope 2024 is better. I may, or may not, have a for you guys later in 2024. I Still Love You guys, and I hope you guys are doing ok


Honestly, it's definitely back when I first started being more active on GameJolt in January 2022. I was just hanging out with my best friend on firesides while messing around with Scratch (I use Ren'Py now). Good old times, man.

Hey, would anyone believe me if I said Peter Griffin was coming to Fortnite before it got confirmed? I wouldn't believe myself. Speaking of which, STOP TALKING ABOUT FNAF COMING TO FORTNITE. That's clearly never gonna happen.

Happy Late Thanksgiving everyone! Sorry I didn't say this sooner, I have been quite busy with life and something...... else.......

From now on, I'm saying "mierda" instead of shit because I think it's cool. Mierda is basically the word shit but in Spanish

Just finished watching the FNAF movie and I can safely say it's my favorite movie. It reminds me of why I even liked FNAF in the first place. All in all, it's very good.

(I will not be giving spoilers, don't worry)

Bro, why is everyone saying firesides are gone? I still see the firesides section with some firesides active right now. Plus firesides are extremely cool, there's no way GJ is removing them.

Apparently, NateWantsToBattle made a song with my favorite singer (also from my favorite band), Kellin Quinn. Holy shit, I feel like I'm in a dream right now. One week is too long for me to wait!

I think I have hangophobia (if that word even exists). I get easily traumatized by somebody hanging by the neck with a rope as a method of suicide. This is not a joke, as much as I would like it to be.