Chat. in My Fandoms. (MeahDubz.)

Welcome,Come Look Around.

MakieoWareBug / Makieo's Canon Age Is 27 Btw.

But,All I Can Say Is That He's Disguised As A Mysterious Virus Scanner App,But He's A Virus This Hole Time Trying To Act Nice And,All Innocent So That's What MakieoWareBug Is,It's That Kind Of W.I.P Horror Analogue Fandom I'm Doing.

As You Can Tell Makieo Is the Protagonist / The Main Character,But I Won't Reveal His Design Yet Or What Kind of Creature / Animal He Is.

Me When I'd Got A W.I.P Virus Creature Horror Analogue Fandom That I'm Working On That Is Kinda Similar To KinitoPET And,Bonzi And,Even Other Actual Virus Creature Character Related Stuff.

(Quick Reminder.)

This W.I.P Fandom Is Called MakieoWareBug.


So Yeah,I Feel Like Doing That.

At The Park In My Brand New Clothes. VwV

Welp Rip,My 1 Irl Close Best Friend Doesn't Trust Anyone That She Never Met Before With Me,So She's Making Me Remove Couple Of Folk Friends / Followers That She Doesn't Know. 😭👍

Can't Wait To See Some Of The Character Designs From Your Horror Fandoms ○◇○~☆


Me When I'd Relate To This Shit Sometimes. 👍😭💀

Just Updated My Hole Ass Bio,lol.