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Welcome to the MemeHub community on Game Jolt!
[now has a Discord]
Welcome to the MemeHub
Post memes here for others to see and get a chance to get it featured
Every kind of meme is welcome here as long as it is funny you shuld have no problems here
As the owner i asure you that you can find the funny here
As of now we have the basic rules
The Memes must be funny
No sexual content
No being toxic
No self promoting
Thats all the rules for now
There will be a chanell for ideas and questions with a guaranteed 24 hour responce
Super secret Memehub thing dont click on this its super secret and its not done :https://gamejolt.com/games/memehub/759666 I REPEAT IT IS NOT YET FINISHED
You can apeal if you are banned here:
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeuKBea9RiY3VCzyTrbjLFMUpZQFb78uDRAnwqs0Rg5H_MpPg/viewform?usp=sf_link I made a ban appeal - @C2Games
HE made a ban appeal :D
Someone who is the master of art work and a mode is @Abirstudiogames I wrote this :)

Now have a great time :)