general in Mouzilla's Community of Whatevs

"Sentient robots are epic and you can't tell me otherwise" -@SmudgedVolt

wassup children, i am here to post this stupid azz picture


what a wonderful coversation

10 Picrews

Hello, Everyone!

I have an announcement to make!!

[Please read Article]

hey you

yeah you, the person with eyes

i dare you to make a blep version of yourself and send it too me through #blep!

an example is provided :)

Just tried tea for the first time...

Not bad, pretty good!

Has a weird after-taste tho =v=

I'm giving Shell and B3 away!

But to get them...

You need to do some specific things =w=

{Rules in Article}

Random announcement because I wanna be like everyone else!!

So im 21 way from 700...

and 2 things are happening when i get there!

-Ion has 5 days to get me to 700 w/o himself announcing me

-I will do a competition that I hope more than 2 of you do

this is gonna take a while


i hope you all like the finished product!!