windows_destruction in Microsoft Windows Series - Community

Share & Tell All About Microsoft Windows (No Inappropriate Stuff)

Holy Crap, This is Why i Need This, i Wonder if This is a Clean Version of BonziBUDDY....
Did Anyone Saw That Happened in Yesterday?

The day Windows actually died
Hello, my friends! Let's hit 20K likes? Check out my website! https://enderman.chThis isn't the type of video I commonly produce on this channel. I don't rea...
imagine When Some Other Finnish YouTubers Like To Try Windows Desctruction Videos Like Joel Doing Some Windows Desctruction Streams

Tuhoan Läppärin Viiruksilla ja Troijalaisilla
Ethän ota vaikutteita videosta, tempun suorittaa aikuislapsi joka ei tiedä tietokoneista paljoo mitään.. 😅 Läppäristä ei ollut enään mihinkään jopa uudellee...