Welcome to the NarekProto Community community on Game Jolt!
1 - be respectful and dont treat everyone like shit.
2 - NSFW/murrsuiter should be not sent here
3 - No racism, politics, and such sharp topics
4 - Do not invite raiders
5 - do not spam in chat
6 - do not harass members
7 - Using shit alt accounts is prohibited
8- dont troll (plz dont no one like that shet)
9- dont get urself trouble just by being criticized by moderators/ admins
10- do not argue everyone (dont fight try to understand what ppl are proving u wrong or correcting u so dont be dumbass just by taking on them)
11- will not permit to spam ping (will be warn and ban)
12- dont send gore vid (dont matter wut country u in but will be ban)
13- no toxic tolerated this period (if ur toxic prepare get yeet)
14- Useless pings are not tolerated and u will be asked to explain urself This also falls under spam and can result in mutes, kicks, or even bans.
15- zoofile and homophobic is prohibited
16- other memes that are not allowed to sent a (racism joke, 9/11 joke, na#zi joke, ded ppl jokes, gen alpha memes)
- Have Fun