⭐️Announcements⭐️ in TRTF SAGA

Talk about The Return to Freddy's

wow that was unexpected 1000 people thanks for joining the trtf gamejolt community

new icon and banner

please give some support to @thetacoman_ trtf 5 game


The official TRTF 9th Anniversary event video is 10 mins away https://discord.gg/z3huQPyWPa

The official TRTF 9th Anniversary event video is an hour away https://discord.gg/z3huQPyWPa

The official TRTF 9th Anniversary event is TODAY! Come join us at 3:15 PM EST in the TRTF Fantasy Land discord server.https://discord.gg/j3CmgZJFRp link

Happy 9th Birthday, The Return to Freddy's!