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Welcome to the community for discussion of UNIX and its derivatives!

If you seem to come across this community with no knowledge about it, see this Wikipedia article


  1. Do not use a channel outside their intended purpose or with the wrong OS (i.e Windows screenshots in Screenshots channel)

  2. Follow the Game Jolt guidelines as best as you can

  3. Malevolent advice is strictly prohibited and will get you banned when noticed

  4. This is a community for everyone who can tolerate swearing, so pornographic or gory content is strictly prohibited

  5. Hate messages towards UNIX and/or derivatives will be met with mild punishment

  6. Joke content in serious posts is prohibited

  7. Mark the channel your post would be on if it was a UNIX-related post - Not enforced

When violating any of the rules (excluding rules 3 & 4 because of punishment being always bans, and 5 because of only being post ejections), the first 4 violations will get the violating content removed (ejected in GJ terms) and will escalate to a ban that goes to 1 hour to a ban that will stay even with further notice

@axopiny_ owner
Report A community for over 2 years