Story Time! in Obby Fanclub


Just thought I'd let everyone know @ObscureEasterEgg 's ok

Well, my morning started with a boom and coffee. Was charging my lamp, you know, so I could use it and then boom. orange sparks flashed before my eyes and what do you know, the charger broken, but hey, the lamp still works and I'm fine.

Yo I think I just found Toby Fox's YouTube channel 😳

The Greenlight trailer is awesome lmao!

Man, seeing where he started just always inspires me so much

So, basically, this is how I lost the other account that is evil obscureeasteregg.

basically, I had no clue that apparently some browsers have a mode where they say “saving data? What the fuck? No!” an apparently I somehow triggered that on my other acc.

Watching Gravity Falls special features clips on YouTube and man-

Like, I think Alex Hirch is just the coolest, I really look up to him ^.^