WIP games in pikawilliam11 HQ - Community Department

Share your creations!


"Abandon the ship with the couch" upgrade is far to be ready to be released...

We have fire using Double team move from pokemon lol

WIP for "Kid busters in toy store"

The NPC is almost finished, just need to code his auto-spawning part.

This game is more than half finished



WIP for "Code waterfall vs the Firewall"

The game is almost ready, just need a few stuff now C:


WIP for "Code waterfall vs the Firewall"

All audio are done, and almost all sprites too.

Intensive coding with banger game music engaged


WIP for "Lightsaber training 2D"

Imagine spending HOURS of debug to realized I forgot there was a thing called "Max speed" to explain why I was unable to move the drone faster the whole time


"Lightsaber training 2D" upgrade is almost ready.

Didn't get a lot of time to released it with the 3 other ones (1 new game and 2 upgraded games is still good tho).

This one should be available next weekend maximum

(and playable on mobile :O )


MASSIVE WIP of "Holy shooting range"

The game is slowly and surely seeing the light of the day.

The game should be available this weekend

WIP for "Holy shooting range"

I just finished the last remaining aims to-do in Photoshop

Only coding stuff in the list, yay C:

Game dev progress on March 25, 2024

-Read article-

Wip for "Grade monster cards" (Upgrade from GM to CS3)

I did the template structure with the first card, then used it to make the second SpawnCard in no time.

I will try to release this upgrade tonight (UTC-4) if I'm not too much tired after work