General in Plants Vs Zombies
Plant your own creations!
Skins for Spikeweed, Sandthorn and Repeater, Potato mine exploding animation and new zombie heads physics
Скины для Колючки, Облепихи и Скорострела, анимация взрывания Картофельной мины и новая физика голов зомби
Cursed image: Plants Vs Zombies edition!
Sorry to be the bringer of bad news, but the next major update for Plants Vs. Zombies Plot & Rot will have to be delayed to early July. Bad news is there is too much I have going on to release, good news is there is so much content that it's warranted.
New achievements
Новые достижения
Unused zombies
New location for PvZLA is already in progress!
Plants vs Angry zombie
Old animation pvz