Questions for Kane in POPGOES

Share your creations! Keep it related to POPGOES!
Will the cupcake get a false form?
@Kane Do you plan on doing more merch with funko or hex, possibly sanshee?
any post night ideas?
hey @Kane after Popgoes evergreen is finished do you plan on making some original games or will you continue to make FNaF Fangames?
Do you still have an idea of how post night sections will work? I’m it kinda be like tjoc reborn, or maybe a fnaf 2 like section, or something completely original?
Will anything interesting happen in arcade if you were to have save data for evergreen or MyPopgoes and vise versa
Hey Kane. I know you probably won't see this mostly because your a busy man. But if you were to add a old character or the in universe arcade character in popgoes which you would you add. You can add as many you want.
Aside from Popgoes Arcade, were there any other paranormal events that occurred at Popgoes' Pizza or even rumors of the place being haunted?

@Kane a question about the fan art showcase

@Kane this should be the last post about the mobile ports