Memes / Random in POPGOES

Share your creations! Keep it related to POPGOES!

Whatssap Evergreen teaser XD
Can we get a "When the squirrel is sus" chain?
Okay! 19$ dollar Popgoes card! Who wants it? And yes - I am giving it away! Remember - share, share, share! And trolls - don't get blocked!

Kane Carter be like...
(Source: Fazbear and Friends Shorts by ZAMination.
And believe it or not, that's what Freddy really says in this short!)

I have created the worst thing in existence.
Not even Satan can look at it.
No Eldritch Abomination can comprehend what I made.
Popgus Drip.
I regret nothing.

"The teacher's copy" meme but with Popgoes. You can use it freely.
if somebody could make the red birb meme with stone, then i will give you a personal thumbs up